Queer/LGBTIQA2Z Issues are Economic Issues

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Discrimination is legal in most states against LGBT people in: housing, credit, employment, marriage, health care, education, etc. There are no federal non-discrimination laws that include “sexual orientation and gender identity”. Social biases and discrimination persist, affecting virtually every aspect of life and economic security.

HOMELESSNESS: 20-40% of homeless youth are LGBT, of that 73% were rejected by their own families. 20% of Transgender people have been homeless at some point, facing rejection (29%), harassment (55%), and sexual assault (22%) at shelters.

MARRIAGE: Denied legal recognition and economic security from 1,138 federal benefits (including immigration, pensions). 39 States have Constitutional Amendments or laws against same-sex marriage. Bi-national couples are routinely separated.

FAMILIES: LGBT couples are disproportionately poor and low-income compared to heterosexual couples. Gay couples are often denied adoption, denying them a family, and those children a loving home.

EMPLOYMENT: 44% of LGB people and 66% of Trans people are fired or not hired because of their identity, and are routinely fearful at work.

EDUCATION: 61% of LGB people, and 40% of Trans people felt unsafe at school.
20% of LGB people and 12% of Trans people experienced assault (punched, kicked or injured with a weapon).

SUCIDE: LGBT people are 4x more likely to commit suicide, and Youth are 5x more likely, representing 33% of all youth suicides. 41% of Transgender people have attempted suicide.

HEALTH: LGBT people are 6x more likely to have multiple mental stress disorders due to discrimination. 25% lack health insurance, 2x that of heterosexual counterparts. Single, childless HIV positive people ineligible for Medicaid unless disabled, thus denied the exact drugs to prevent the disability’s onset. Transgender People who need hormones or gender reasignment sugery and cannot afford it are not covered by most if any insurance: anxiety, depression, suicide, genital mutilation, discrimination result.

POLITICS: Politicians continually use LGBT issues to distract from the general economic oppression and corporate corruption of government and political parties.

Support for LGBTIQA non-discrimination laws is vital to our economic
well being, but this is only the beginning. Respect for LGBTIQA people is neededed in all aspects of our lives. Equality is just the beginning.

From: http://www.thetaskforce.org/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_summary.pdf http://bit.ly/HarmToLGBTQ
http://www.q4ej.org/Documents/qejtidalwave.pdf http://www.kff.org/hivaids/upload/7172_04.pdf

2 Responses to Queer/LGBTIQA2Z Issues are Economic Issues

  1. Michael Doe says:

    i love it; should be on thicker card the papers just crumple. how about a bookmark thingy?

  2. Pingback: Queer/LGBT issues are economic! « My Blog

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